Office space is, in essence, the place for mental work; mental developments of workers are thus influenced by the office space where they stay. Therefore, the way to ignite a revolution in modern society is to redefine office spaces where modern people spend most of time working. We believe: “office space would consistently evolve with the upgrading of economy”. We define CIT as an innovative office space to stimulate the curiosity of members or participants, to catalyze the interactions among communities of enterprises, startups and freelancers, and therefore to reach the goals of sustainable development in Taiwan. 辦公空間 (office space) 是腦力工作的場域,每個人都會因為工作環境而影響腦力發展。尤其當現今人類絕大部份的時間都身在其中,制定新型態的工作空間,意謂著是有改變整體社會的機會。我們相信在產業結構轉型的同時,空間也應該進化。 由 Plan b Inc. 建立與營運的 CIT 提供創新型態的辦公空間,透過誘發每一位參與者好奇心的機制,讓各產業的單位、各領域的新創公司、自由工作者,在衝突性交流下找到永續發展的空間。
- Office Space: Options for long-term rentals, coworking spaces, and event spaces.
- Entrepreneur Visa: Support for obtaining residency accreditation and accessing exclusive programs.
- Plan B for SDGs: Free workspace and support for teams working on sustainable development solutions.
- Virtual Membership: Access to internal resources, activities, and coworking spaces for those unable to regularly be on-site.